
Root Canal

General Dentistry & Cosmetic Dentistry located in Fort Myers, FL
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Root Canal

Today’s root canals treat infected teeth with no pain and are among the most common dental restorations performed by David M. Martinez, DMD, and his team. Many residents of Fort Myers, Florida, rely on First Street Family Dentistry for outstanding restorative treatments, including root canals. Booking a visit takes just moments online or by phone.

Root Canal Q & A

Why are root canals performed?

A root canal is a treatment that restores an infected tooth. Many people don’t think of their teeth as living structures that can become infected. However, the interior structure of a tooth is a living tissue called pulp, which includes a mix of blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissues.

Procedures that focus on the interior areas of your teeth are categorized as endodontic care. The team has the training and experience needed to perform these advanced procedures.  

Because there is limited space within a tooth, the inflammation brought on by an infection has nowhere to expand and causes significant pain. A root canal removes pulp and seals the tooth, preserving your natural tooth and eliminating symptoms. 

How do I know if I might need a root canal?

Understanding the symptoms of an infected tooth can help you know when to seek care. Some of the indications that you might need a root canal include:

  • Significant tooth pain that worsens when you bite
  • Pimple-like sore on your gums
  • Abnormally red or dark gum tissue
  • Cracked or chipped tooth
  • Darkened tooth tissue
  • Swollen gums
  • Sensitivity to heat or cold, even when source is removed

If you experience these changes, reach out to book an exam. Your dentist can quickly determine if a root canal is the right fit for your needs and explains what to expect from your treatment. 

What are the steps involved in a root canal?

Local anesthetic ensures you won’t feel a thing during your root canal. Once you’re numb, your dentist creates a small opening in your tooth to access the interior chamber. A series of slim dental tools called files remove infected pulp and prepare the inner chamber before a thorough rinse removes any lingering tissue. 

Then, your dentist fills the cleared chamber with a dental material before placing a small filling to close the access opening. Digital impressions guide the fabrication of a custom crown, and a temporary crown protects the tooth. 

When your new crown is ready, you return to the office to have it secured in place with dental cement. That completes the root canal process, and your tooth will look and function just like the rest of your teeth. Expect some minor soreness for a day or two after receiving your new crown. 

To book a consultation or diagnostic exam, call the office during normal business hours, or book online in just a matter of moments.